Chú thích Một chín tám tư

  1. Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia, Fourth Edition (1996). HarperCollins:New York. p. 734.
  2. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition, Columbia University Press: 1993, p. 2030.
  3. 1 2 The Oxford Companion to English Literature, Sixth Edition. University of Oxford Press: 2000. p. 726.
  4. Grossman, Lev; Lacayo, Richard (ngày 6 tháng 10 năm 2005)."ALL-TIME 100 Novels. 1984 (1949), by George Orwell". Time. ISSN 0040-781X. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 10 năm 2012
  5. "100 Best Novels". Modern Library. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 10 năm 2012
  6. "BBC – The Big Read". BBC. April 2003, Retrieved ngày 19 tháng 10 năm 2012
  7. Bowker, Chapter 18. "thesis": pp. 368–9
  8. Bowker, pp. 383, 399
  9. “Charles' George Orwell Links”. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 7 năm 2011. 
  10. John Rodden. The Politics of Literary Reputation: The Making and Claiming of "St. George" Orwell
  11. CEJL, iv, no. 125.
  12. Crick, Bernard. Introduction to Nineteen Eighty-Four(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984)
  13. Nineteen Eighty-four, ISBN 978-0-14-118776-1; p. xxvii (Penguin)
  14. Marcus, Laura; Nicholls, Peter (2005). The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century English Literature. Cambridge University Press. tr. 226. ISBN 0-521-82077-4. Brave New World [is] traditionally bracketed with Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four as a dystopia... 
  15. "Freedom and Happiness" (a review of We by Yevgeny Zamyatin) by Orwell, Tribune, ngày 4 tháng 1 năm 1946.
  16. "1984 thoughtcrime? Does it matter that George Orwell pinched the plot?", Paul Owen, The Guardian, 8 tháng 6 năm 2009.
  17. Phần 1, Chương 1
  18. Phần 1, Chương 3
  19. “Under the spreading chestnut tree”. Truy cập ngày 8 tháng 6 năm 2011. 
  20. Anne Gilchrist said it is "a version of an old English tune called 'Go no more a-rushing', which was arranged for virginals by William ByrdGiles Farnaby – by the latter under the title of 'Tell mee, Daphne'... So 'Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree' is really an Old English – perhaps originally a dance – tune, preserved traditionally and lately modernized."
  21. Anne G. Gilchrist, "'Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree': The Adventures of a Tune." The Musical Times, Vol. 81 (Mar. 1940), pp. 112–113.
  22. Part II, Ch. 9
  23. Reed, Kit (1985). “Barron's Booknotes-1984 by George Orwell”. Barron's Educational Series. Truy cập ngày 2 tháng 7 năm 2009. 
  24. “1984”. Part 2, Chapter 9
  25. Lines 29–35, p. 229, Chapter X, Part II of the Penguin paperback edition of 1984: "The proles were immortal, you could not doubt it when you looked at that valiant figure in the yard. In the end their awakening would come. And until that happened, though it might be a thousand years, they would stay alive against all the odds, like birds, passing on from body to body the vitality which the Party did not share and could not kill".
  26. Vertov, Dziga (1985). Kino-Eye: The Writings of Dziga Vertov. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-05630-5
  27. Senyonovna, Eugenia (1967). Journey into the Whirlwind. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. 
  28. 1 2 Fitzpatrick, Sheila (1999). Everyday Stalinism. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-505001-0
  29. Brooks, Jeffrey (2000). Thank you, comrade Stalin! Soviet public culture from revolution to Cold War. New Jersey Princeton University Press. tr. 9. ISBN 0691004110. OCLC 900266028
  30. McCauley, Martin (2014). The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union. Taylor and Francis. tr. 298. ISBN 9781317867838. OCLC 869093605
  31. King, David (1997). The Commissar Vanishes: The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin's Russia. Metropolitan / Holt. ISBN 0-8050-5294-1
  32. Schacter, Daniel L.; Scarry, Elaine biên tập (2001). Memory, brain, and belief. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674007192. OCLC 803952174
  33. Stalin, Joseph (1944). On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Moscow: Foreign Languages Press. 
  34. “Order of the Day, No. 130, May 1st, 1942”. Truy cập ngày 14 tháng 12 năm 2011. 
  35. Stalin, Joseph (1970). On the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Foreign Language Press – Peking. 
  36. Irving Howe, Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four : Text, Sources, Criticism. New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982. ISBN 0-15-565811-5 pp. 290–93.
  37. 1 2 3 "First Bites: Nineteen Eighty-Four. Nigel Fountain, The Guardian, June 14, 1994.
  38. Lewis, Clive Staples (1966). On Stories: And Other Essays on Literature. George Orwell. Harcourt. tr. 101. 

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